Skip the chatter? Here are the random chapters to the book I'll never write: *click*
Artist / Ghastly Writer / Wife & Mom / Babushka / Someone's BFF / Pan-LGBT2S+ (she/her) / Artist / Ghastly Writer / Wife & Mom / Babushka / Pan-2SLGBTQ+ / Awkward Gamer - Loves Cats, Caffeine, Sushi, & Witchcraft #VillainEra #FAFO
My name is Cae and I like to make friends. I like coffee, bacon, cats, and cheesecake, but not necessarily in that order or on the same plate. I won't hit on you or steal your significant other, I do not want all your base, I will not lie to you about cake, I do not kick puppies, I only sparkle if I’ve been drinking, I have no Tardis, and I think the Borg were just deeply misunderstood. ~If you understood any of those references, then you're quite old but your age doesn't determine how welcome you are here - weirdos who get me are weirdos who get me, why let age fuck with that? 🤣
I swear. I swear a lot. Please do not ask me to clean up my language, because that's just not how I roll. If it bothers you, then probably I'm not the blogger you should hang your hat on. I refuse to filter myself for anyone's comfort - that defies the entire purpose of having a venting/sharing space to begin with. I find swears have immense value and meaning in expression, especially of this type.
I’m not mean; I am lovingly critical. I’m not snappy; I am emotionally abrupt. I’m not psychotic; I am hysterically unkempt.
I mess with tarot and pendulum divination. I believe 100% in the paranormal but I'm also a solid skeptic (I take accounts in on a case to case basis). My Spiritual Path is Pagan and I study/follow eclectic witchcraft (but mostly of Celtic and Nordic origin) - I absolutely do respect chosen paths that differ from my own–you do you, boo!
I'm also an artist. I paint, draw, doodle, sew, stitch, mold, sculpt, and shape my way through my traumas and my successes equally. I do traditional art and digital, it all depends on the mood I'm in at the time! I've done loads of traditional and multimedia pieces and one day I plan to experiment with cross platform multimedia (from traditional to digital.etc) and I write. I write so freakin' much.
My known online presence is non-political–I have strong political beliefs but a wise person once told me that ‘one shouldn’t speak of politics or religion in polite company as it tends not to remain polite for long’ and online at least, I think I’ll stick to that. We can lose much vital nuance in written text lacking additional vocal cues and context.
Quick Disclaimer: LGBTQ2+, gender equity, equality, and spirituality, are not “politics” to me, they are literal life and we’re all affected no matter what space on the political spectrum you call home. (religion with the capital R, however, falls under the political category–organized religion is a doctrine, and personal spirituality is a whole different beast altogether)
I’m not looking for romantic encounters or hookups; I just want to chat, explore, make good friends, and hang out. In a nutshell, I play well with freaks, geeks, losers and lost causes. People who understand what it's like to be called “less than” and still won’t let it drag them down. Deviants (the legal kind), crazies (the good kind), artists, dreamers, loners and underdogs. Emo, goth, rockers, princesses and paupers, furries, preps, and any scrumptious combination. All are welcome here–don’t judge me and I’m totally here for you, deal?
Online I’m usually found as Shaedynlee, Shae Marquis, Caerlyss, CaerlyssLee, Xantasia.Most of those are old and outdated (a long time ago I was GrrlTragic, Tragic Grrl, Tragic's Wake) but as stages of my life fall back in memory so do the names and "personas" that went with them. I'm relatively sure that CaerlyssLee is my final form though - a fair amalgamation of the aforementioned collection ☺
"You must travel outside yourself in order to find yourself."
"The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb."
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." ~Oscar Wilde
“I will try to express myself in some mode of life or art as freely as I can and as wholly as I can, using for my defense the only arms I allow myself to use — silence, exile, and cunning.” ~A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
"When we take action to avenge the ones we love, personal justice collides with social and divine justice. We become judge, jury and god. With that choice comes daunting responsibility. Some men cave under that weight, others abuse the momentum. The true outlaw finds the balance between the passion in his heart and the reason in his mind. The solution is always an equal mix of might and right." ~writer Kurt Sutter as the words of John Teller from the fictional manuscript for the book that was never written: The Life and Death of Sam Crow: How the Sons of Anarchy Lost Their Way
"Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try it again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb. They refuse. They cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is." ~Lord Petyr Baelish "Littlefinger" Game of Thrones
I don’t care about views or hits, I’m not competing with anyone (except perhaps myself) - I’m just out here to have fun, process some of these pent-up emotions, and maybe make some meaningful connections that I wouldn’t have made otherwise.
If there is a God and God created man "in his own image" as some like to say, then God is male, female, trans, nonbinary, and all gender spectrum entries in between. God is every skin tone, every language, every ability/disability, every orientation, and every height/weight/body type. God is then all and cherry-picking or whitewashing does a disservice to God and the rest of the free world.
I believe that these people who claim to know what God’s true image and intention is and/or was do not actually believe at all that God created man in his own image and refuse to (or simply cannot) acknowledge that they and others like them have created a god in their own image to propagate whatever dichotomy they believe at that moment.
If there is a God - they do not speak to or through man therefore man has no right to claim to know what God truly believes at all. 🎤
~Painted and/or sketched with:
~using Huion Kamvas 12 Pro.
*my toonish inspired "Kawaii" doodle art is usually created with Krita: