

Friday 21 June 2024

A Brand New Day...


I meant to make this post yesterday, on the proper Solstice, but things happened and I kinda got waylaid.  Here's the total recall: 

And so: 2 cat bites = 6hrs in the ED + 5hrs of sleep - one wrapped and splinted, the other is mostly just a protective wrap for the IV port (except my poor thumb)- a tetanus shot, IV antibiotics, an Rx for oral antibiotics, and I go back to the hospital after 24hrs for another round of IV.

I broke up a cat fight in the kitchen and Daizy didn't seem to appreciate my referee skills. She's been trying to murder Sugar for a few days and for whatever reason, she took into Boo yesterday, so I had to separate the 3 of them from a screaming tumbleweed of cats. The cat bit a small chunk out of my thumb, but it's not infected. However, the hand that received two puncture bites became infected almost immediately.

Within a few hours, the infection had set in, swelling was increasing, it developed red tracers on the veins, and so we made the judgment call to head to the ED.

The pain today is searing, my hand has blown up like a 10lb sausage in a 5lb tube, and I am so freaking backed up on chores it isn't even funny, but I can't imagine how bad it could be if I hadn't sought treatment when I did. 

Here's the TwiX link for the thread about the details (including the 'before' pics which I just didn't want to upload here

So moving along from the CATastrophe...

I've currently got my Facebook heavily restricted for posting and for others' viewing. I'm still reading subbed pages (like a magazine) but I'm trying to wean myself from it enough that I can fully delete - the only reason I haven yet is that everyone I know uses Messenger and only messenger so I'm stuck keeping the profile until they either separate the requirement to have a profile in order to use it or I can somehow convince family to text me instead. 

I've temporarily deactivated TikTok as well because I haven't even opened it in weeks and tbh it's maybe just a little toxic. If nothing else, it's seriously time consuming and I'm really trying to bank my time on things that fulfill me a little more and make me FOMO a bit less. I'm thinking that using Insta and Twix (until it completely collapses) and probably Tumblr for socials (basically no judgmental or over-sensitive meatspace contacts to worry about on those) will make a huge difference to my outlook on many things because sometimes the things we're told we need are the things that are slowly poisoning us instead.  

So yeah,  all of that.  And now if you'll excuse me - I have some dinner to drink 🤣


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