

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Ahsamed of my own people...

It's hard to look around and see the people who can and should be doing something doing absolutely nothing and then claiming their hands are tied. It's like they secretly (clearly not so secretly) want all of this. What happened to all of the checks and balances they claimed? The safeguards?!

I feel like everything has gone completely off the rails. Like there is no way in any dimension of logic that the people in power are handling any of this in the ways they should.  And why aren't the people who could get out there and physically represent - why aren't they openly and actively revolting?  Like not typing angrily on the internet but out there actually doing something? 

 Probably a lot of democrats know this idiocy is all wrong and they will obviously *publicly* condemn it however they secretly agree with the horrible decisions and will absolutely vote in favor. Part of it is probably for job security - they need *some* things broken or they become irrelevant, unnecessary. And part of it is that at their core, they were never democrats in the first place - just climbers riding public favor to clock hours until a fat retirement on the backs of the citizens who trusted them and gave them this opportunity/free ride.

Canadian Liberals aren't much better, why are we so fucking complacent? So soft? We can't and shouldn't "always take the high road" we should be down in the trenches fighting for and saving our people, our countries!  This bullshit pacifism will no doubt be the literal end of civilized society and we'll have nobody to blame but ourselves for sitting on our asses lementing shit we could have fixed, if only we'd fucking bothered.

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