

Monday, 31 July 2023

[archived] "I got sunshine in a bag."

I just spent a week being sick as hell and I'm not even sure where it came from only that my cat was also sick. Largemale and Weemale got hit with it too but it wasn't as severe for them, thank the Gods. Poor Boo was so sick we thought we were going to lose her. She lost weight, was listless, not eating or drinking, and just lay like she was dying. She finally started eating yesterday morning and I tell you I literally cried. 

I still have cold-like symptoms, but I'm getting through it, one bucket of snot at a time.

Aside from this, my summer has generally been decent. I haven't been overly busy like I'd planned but so much of the season was eaten by rain and bad weather and then I guess I just got a bit slow and lazy. It's been a lot of time spent alone, not lonely. Now that I really don't like to go uptown, any friends that I had have mostly slid by the wayside. I think some folks just find it too boring to do things over here in the relative wilderness when it's more exciting to be uptown in the thick of it. I like slowing down and dressing down and not being afternoon entertainment for tourists that I don't know and will never see again. It's also a lot cheaper to hang out over here instead of in cutesy shops where it's a given that you'll spend money you don't have.
I've spent a lot of time with my Weemale which is never a bad thing. He's such a clever sweet boy, I'm so proud if I had any part in the man I can see him becoming. He's kind, funny, smart, compassionate and empathetic. He's helpful and courteous - what more could a mother ask for?

So that's that. 

I'm old, tired, and cranky but I'm soft in the middle and I'm learning to truly love the gentle peace and solitude that comes from within. Also here are some recent Doodles I've created.. @caerlyssdoodles on Insta 🥰😘

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